Ohhh hey, I’m Christine!

Thanks for being here and checking my site! It’s still a work in progress, but I appreciate your time to read about my story! I’m a Filipina stay home mama to two kiddos Lukas and Clio and a wife to an amazing Indonesian husband, Wawa. I love Jesus and He seriously gives me strength to run around with the kids, maintain the house and handle this small business. All glory, honor and praise belongs to Him!

One day in 2019, I was scrolling thru insta and got inspired to make earrings an actress was wearing. I couldn’t afford to buy it, which then left me standing in front of the clay aisle at my local craft store.

I made them and was blown away that I unlocked a therapeutic liking to this medium. I had to learn more about it!

I created a few prototypes and gave the out to a few family members and friends and they loved them! I decided to dive right in and try selling them. I figured, why not receive extra funds to help buy my kids diapers and add on to paying bills (am I right tho!?). So, I planned to really make this hustle full time. At the time I was reselling preloved goods and even made an insta to sell them on, but this clay route just seemed better.

If you know me personally, I always wear black. My pops of color were and are always just my shoes or a statement accessory. I wanted this biz to be fun and playful cause’ I truly enjoy making these pieces and if I can make someone feel that way when they wear my stuff, then I’m happy! Also, I think the inner me really is super colorful lol!

When I was thinking of what to name this whole shabang, I was watching my kids running outside. I instantly knew I had to name it after my daughter, As I watched her play, as she displayed so much characteristics all at once. She is definitely my wildcard lol. She fell, got sad, but then got right up jumped and started spinning around and laughing. So free, playful and silly! Seeing her “true colors” was just so inspiring! That’s what I want for my accessories, to be simple but bold at once.

Lukas + Clio


Once CLIO CLAY was established, the rest of the first year was getting to know the craft of claying and honing in my skills. S/O to the FIRST supporters, THANK YOU (You know who you are!) You gave me honest feedback and witnessed my growing pains! I am forever grateful. Another cool thing to celebrate was that I was able to join my first pop-up and a couple more after. Thanks to Noe, owner of For The People Market, who pushed me to do popups and had me share a booth with her for my first gig!

The year after that, took on more shows and wanted to go full time. However, balancing motherhood and business was and is still a learning game and sadly again couldn’t really commit 100%. God is still good, and still provided nonetheless.

Now, in 2022 - Though, it took years to realize… there is grace in everything and I’m reminded that includes creating. I hope to make new jumps in this season of trying to focus on Clio Clay but to give myself grace, grace, grace to balance home and the business. I created this website so you all stay ‘in the know’ and see what’s new and available. Having only instagram to sell my stuff was just inconvenient not only for myself but to everyone who wanted to see what was available to purchase.

Thanks for reading this lengthy about me! I appreciate your time! If you like something, it’d be great if you can support this stay home mama! You can also support me in Following us on Instagram, Liking and Sharing us too! :)

In case you were wondering: Why are there so many thumbs up plastic bags going on here — Clio loves loves loves giving thumbs up! So, these designs are just making it more personable and will be on stickers soon!